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1220 Travel: Foreign Study Or Academically Related Travel

NUMBER: 1220

RATIONALE:    To provide guidance to Oakland University (University) personnel proposing  programs to be sponsored by the University for foreign study or other academically related international travel.

POLICY:     Student travel programs outside of the United States are part of the University's educational mission.  To address the accountabilities needed to undertake such travel and the associated risks, the procedures contained herein must be followed. 

SCOPE AND APPLICABILITY:    All University faculty, staff and students, as well as any non-University travel participants, must comply with this policy. 



Program Organizer: The University employee(s) responsible for administering an approved  program for foreign study or other academically related travel.

Program Participants: University students, guest students, faculty, staff, and any other attendees.

Sponsoring Department: The University department or academic unit responsible for oversight of the program for foreign study or other academically related international travel.

University Sponsored Event: For the purposes of this policy, University Sponsored Event means any program for foreign study or other academically related international travel required to be approved by the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost (Provost), or designee.

University Students: Students enrolled in a course or courses at the University during the study abroad or active students eligible to register for classes.




Prior to the initial offering of a University Sponsored Event, the Sponsoring Department must describe the details of the program in an outline that includes but is not limited to the following:

1. Purpose of the program

2. Proposed itinerary

3. Potential pools of participants

4. Budget. Sources of funds must be identified. Requests for funding to subsidize the program should be directed to the appropriate Dean.

5. List, including contact information, of individuals, agencies, and organizations responsible for travel arrangements.

6. Other relevant information, including University credit being offered.

7. If the program proposed involves travel to a location under a U.S. State Department Level 3 travel advisory on travel.state.gov and/or a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Level 2 travel alert on cdc.gov, an explanation of how the program will provide for the safety and security of participants specified in the advisory or alert is required.  Programs involving undergraduate student travel to a location under a U.S. State Department Level 4 travel advisory and/or a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Level 3 travel alert will not be approved.  

Once the outline is complete, approval of the program is a three-step process:

1. Submit the outline of the proposed program to the appropriate Dean for preliminary approval.

2. Forward the Dean-approved outline to the Director of International Education in the Global Engagement Office for review and consultation.

3. Provide the preliminarily approved and reviewed outline to the Provost, or designee, for final approval.

Proposals should be submitted no later than the beginning of the semester prior to the semester in which the program will occur so that the Program Organizers have sufficient time to recruit participants after the program’s approval.

Accounting Requirement

Once a program has been approved, the Sponsoring Department must work with the respective unit business manager to establish a dedicated fund to account for all revenue and expenditures associated with the program.  All study programs must have a distinct fund.

Purchasing Process

Once a program has been approved by the Provost, or designee, the Sponsoring Department must work with the Global Engagement Office and with the Purchasing Office to make travel arrangements, pay program fees, and procure other services required by the program. The Sponsoring Department must submit a purchase requisition and a copy of the approved plan outline to Purchasing, along with any information regarding prices and services of suggested travel agencies, proposed itineraries, or special requirements. If applicable, a justification for the use of a sole source vendor for services must be included.

Under certain circumstances, the Sponsoring Department may want to consider the option of working with partners (airlines, overseas program providers) who will facilitate direct individual payments by students. Purchasing must approve any such arrangement.

Organizers and participants of this type of travel are also subject to the requirements of OU AP&P #1000 Procurement and OU AP&P #1200 Travel.
Billing Process

The Sponsoring Department must work with the Global Engagement Office and with Student Business Services (SBS) to determine the best and most appropriate method to receive payment from program participants. Possible methods include student billing through student accounts, Marketplace, or other vehicle identified by SBS.

Receipt and handling of payments must comply with OU AP&P #210 Cash Receipts. Depositing funds into a bank account other than an established University account is prohibited by OU AP&P #210 Cash Receipts.  All receipts must be deposited to the dedicated program fund, either at the OU Cashiers Office or through other means established through SBS.


The Sponsoring Department must work with the Global Engagement Office and with the Office of Risk Management to determine appropriate insurance coverage by overseas partners.

All travelers are required to participate in the University’s foreign travel insurance program. Participants must register at least two weeks prior to departure and can register on-line at the Risk Management website.

It is the responsibility of the Sponsoring Department to confirm with Risk Management that all participants are enrolled in the University's foreign travel insurance program before departure.

Clery Act Compliance

At least two months prior to departure, the Sponsoring Department must contact the Oakland University Police Department (OUPD) for Clery Act compliance review.  Before departure, the Global Engagement Office will submit the following to OUPD:  

     - A roster of all travelers, including their emergency contact information

     - Proof of completion of Campus Security Authority (CSA) training by a faculty member 

       who is traveling with the group.  


At least two weeks prior to departure, all student participants will complete registration on the online study abroad application system maintained by the Global Engagement Office. 

The Global Engagement Office will file the following with the Office of Risk Management, and with the OU Police Department:

• A roster of all participants including contact information, emergency contact information, and student identification numbers, if applicable
• A group itinerary including pertinent contact information for each phase of the travel outside the United States

Promotional Material

After a program is approved, the Global Engagement Office will assist with the distribution of flyers and promotional material.

Hold Harmless Agreement

All travelers are required to sign the Traveler Waiver and Hold Harmless Agreement (Appendix A) and the Emergency Contact Form (Appendix B).  These forms will be maintained for at least three (3) years from the date of the program.  Travelers not submitting the forms will not be allowed to participate.


If required by the University, all travelers must participate in a foreign travel orientation provided by the Sponsoring Department at least two weeks before departure. The Global Engagement Office is available to assist in the orientation.

Faculty and staff who are leading an OU study abroad program for the first time must participate in a program leader training session delivered by the Global Engagement Office.  Faculty and staff who have previously led study abroad programs are encouraged to participate.  

Repeat Programs

Once a program has been approved and run successfully, continuation of the program is subject to the approval of the appropriate Dean. Re-approval by the Provost to repeat a program is not required but all other procedures noted in this policy must be followed for each successive program.

Program Organizers must notify the Global Engagement Office and the Office of Risk Management each time the program will be repeated.

Safety Concerns

If, after a program has been approved, a destination becomes subject to a U.S. State Department Level 3 or Level 4 travel advisory and/or a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Level 2 or Level 3 travel alert, the Office of the Provost must be notified immediately.  The Provost, in collaboration with the Global Engagement Office, will determine if the travel is still allowable.  If a destination becomes subject to a U.S. State Department Level 4 travel advisory and/or a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Level 3 travel alert, undergraduate travel will not be permitted and programs involving undergraduate students will be cancelled.  

In case of emergency while abroad (natural disaster, political unrest, student health issue, etc.), the Office of Risk Management and the Global Engagement Office must be notified immediately. If Risk Management and/or Global Engagement are unavailable, notify OUPD.  Faculty and staff leading programs must follow OU's Health and Safety guidelines at all times.  


OU AP&P #210 Cash Receipts

OU AP&P #1000 Procurement

OU AP&P #1200 Travel



Appendix A: Traveler Waiver and Hold Harmless Agreement